Monday 28 May 2012

Video Describes Procedure To Determine The Cause Of Your Snoring

Our office has produced a new video describing “where” snoring comes from determined by a simple procedure known as sedated or sleep endoscopy. At its most basic definition, snoring is noise produced from a vibrating mucosal surface in the upper airway.Though snoring can be defined simply, the tough question is WHERE are these vibrating mucosal surfaces? Because unless one can define WHERE the snoring is coming from, successful treatment can’t be pursued definitively.An office exam performed while a patient is awake is suboptimal as the patient is awake… and not snoring. As such, it is an educated guess where the snoring problem is stemming from.To this end, (more…) *This blog post was originally published at Fauquier ENT Blog* (Source: Better Healt...


Monday 7 May 2012

Smokers report worse dental health, but go to dentists less often

Smokers not only have more problems with their teeth than non-smokers, but they also go to the dentist less often. (Source: CTV Health)
